Departamento Académico de Zoología


Search results

  • 2016

    Benthic assemblages in South American intertidal rocky shores: Biodiversity, services, and threats

    Miloslavich, P., Cruz-Motta, J. J., Hernández, A., Herrera, C., Klein, E., Barros, F., Bigatti, G., Cárdenas, M., Carranza, A., Flores, A., Gil-Kodaka, P., Gobin, J., Gutiérrez, J., Krull, M., Lazarus, J. F., Londoño, E., Lotufo, T., Macaya, E., Mora, E. & Navarrete, S. & 9 others, Palomo, G., Parragué, M., Pellizzari, F., Rocha, R., Romero, L., Retamales, R., Sepúlveda, R., Silva, M. C. & Soria, S., 1 Jan 2016, Marine Benthos: Biology, Ecosystem Functions and Environmental Impact. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., p. 83-137 55 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

    22 Scopus citations
  • Benthic assemblages in South American intertidal rocky shores: Biodiversity, services, and threats

    Miloslavich, P., Cruz-Motta, J. J., Hernández, A., Herrera, C., Klein, E., Barros, F., Bigatti, G., Cárdenas, M., Carranza, A., Flores, A., Gil-Kodaka, P., Gobin, J., Gutiérrez, J., Krull, M., Lazarus, J. F., Londoño, E., Lotufo, T., Macaya, E., Mora, E. & Navarrete, S. & 9 others, Palomo, G., Parragué, M., Pellizzari, F., Rocha, R., Romero, L., Retamales, R., Sepúlveda, R., Silva, M. C. & Soria, S., 1 Jan 2016, Marine Benthos: Biology, Ecosystem Functions and Environmental Impact. 55 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

    22 Scopus citations
  • 2013

    Taxonomy, natural history and distribution of the capybara

    Moreira, J. R., Alvarez, M. R., Tarifa, T., Pacheco, V., Taber, A., Tirira, D. G., Herrera, E. A., Ferraz, K. M. P. M. B., Aldana-Domínguez, J. & Macdonald, D. W., 1 Mar 2013, Capybara: Biology, Use and Conservation of an Exceptional Neotropical Species. Springer New York, Vol. 9781461440000. p. 3-37 35 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

    43 Scopus citations