Review article

Search results

  • 2022

    Lynch-like Syndrome: Potential Mechanisms and Management

    Martínez-Roca, A., Giner-Calabuig, M., Murcia, O., Castillejo, A., Soto, J. L., García-Heredia, A. & Jover, R., 1 Mar 2022, In: Cancers. 14, 5, 1115.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    13 Scopus citations
  • 2021

    Aprovechamiento de los residuos del fruto de Passiflora tripartita

    Translated title of the contribution: Utilization of Passiflora tripartita fruit residuesRomaní, D. R., Calixto-Cotos, M. R. & Apaza, F. S., Sep 2021, In: Scientia Agropecuaria. 12, 3, p. 445-453 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    4 Scopus citations
  • 2018

    A review of literature about models and factors of productivity in the software factory

    Vargas, P. S. C. & Mauricio, D., 1 Jan 2018, In: International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach. 11, 1, p. 48-71 24 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    8 Scopus citations
  • 2017

    Factors affecting the success of women’s entrepreneurship: a review of literature

    Cabrera, E. M. & Mauricio, D., 2017, In: International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. 9, 1, p. 31-65 35 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    150 Scopus citations
  • 2014

    Application of a 5-tiered scheme for standardized classification of 2,360 unique mismatch repair gene variants in the InSiGHT locus-specific database

    Thompson, B. A., Spurdle, A. B., Plazzer, J. P., Greenblatt, M. S., Akagi, K., Al-Mulla, F., Bapat, B., Bernstein, I., Capellá, G., Den Dunnen, J. T., Du Sart, D., Fabre, A., Farrell, M. P., Farrington, S. M., Frayling, I. M., Frebourg, T., Goldgar, D. E., Heinen, C. D., Holinski-Feder, E. & Kohonen-Corish, M. & 119 others, Robinson, K. L., Leung, S. Y., Martins, A., Moller, P., Morak, M., Nystrom, M., Peltomaki, P., Pineda, M., Qi, M., Ramesar, R., Rasmussen, L. J., Royer-Pokora, B., Scott, R. J., Sijmons, R., Tavtigian, S. V., Tops, C. M., Weber, T., Wijnen, J., Woods, M. O., Macrae, F., Genuardi, M., Castillejo, A., Sexton, A., Chan, A. K. W., Viel, A., Blanco, A., French, A., Laner, A., Wagner, A., Van Den Ouweland, A., Mensenkamp, A., Payá, A., Betz, B., Redeker, B., Smith, B., Espenschied, C., Cummings, C., Engel, C., Fornes, C., Valenzuela, C., Alenda, C., Buchanan, D., Barana, D., Konstantinova, D., Cairns, D., Glaser, E., Silva, F., Lalloo, F., Crucianelli, F., Hogervorst, F., Casey, G., Tomlinson, I., Blanco, I., Villar, I. L., Garcia-Planells, J., Bigler, J., Shia, J., Martinez-Lopez, J., Gille, J. J. P., Hopper, J., Potter, J., Soto, J. L., Kantelinen, J., Ellis, K., Mann, K., Varesco, L., Zhang, L., Marchand, L. L., Marafie, M. J., Nordling, M., Tibiletti, M. G., Kahan, M. A., Ligtenberg, M., Clendenning, M., Jenkins, M., Speevak, M., Digweed, M., Kloor, M., Hitchins, M., Myers, M., Aronson, M., Valentin, M. D., Kutsche, M., Parsons, M., Walsh, M., Kansikas, M., Zahary, M. N., Pedroni, M., Heider, N., Poplawski, N., Rahner, N., Lindor, N. M., Sala, P., Nan, P., Propping, P., Newcomb, P., Sarin, R., Haile, R., Hofstra, R., Ward, R., Tricarico, R., Bacares, R., Young, S., Chialina, S., Kovalenko, S., Gunawardena, S. R., Moreno, S., Ho, S. L., Yuen, S. T., Thibodeau, S. N., Gallinger, S., Burnett, T., Teitsch, T., Chan, T. L., Smyrk, T., Cranston, T., Psofaki, V., Steinke-Lange, V. & Barbera, V. M., Feb 2014, In: Nature Genetics. 46, 2, p. 107-115 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    390 Scopus citations