A phytosociological analysis and synopsis of the dry woodlands and succulent vegetation of the peruvian andes

Antonio Galán-De-Mera, Isidoro Sánchez-Vega, Eliana Linares-Perea, José Campos, Juan Montoya, José Alfredo Vicente-Orellana

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3 Scopus citations


All rights reserved. A phytosociological approach to dry forest and cactus communities on the occidental slopes of the Peruvian Andes is presented in base of 164 plots carried out following the Braun-Blanquet method. From them, 52 have been made recently, and the other 112 were taken from the literature. After a multivariate analysis, using a hierarchical clustering and a detendred correspondence analysis, the Acacio-Prosopidetea class (dry forest and cactus communities, developed on soils with some edaphic humidity or precipitations derived from El Niño Current), the Opuntietea sphaericae class (cactus communities of central and southern Peru, on few stabilized rocky or sandy soils) and the Carico-Caesalpinietea class (dry forests of the Peruvian coastal desert, influenced by the maritime humidity of the cold Humboldt Current), are differentiated. Within the Acacio-Prosopidetea class, two alliances are commented: the Bursero-Prosopidion pallidae (with two new associations Loxopterygio huasanginis-Neoraimondietum arequipensis and Crotono ruiziani-Acacietum macracanthae), and the new alliance Baccharido-Jacarandion acutifoliae (with the new associations Armatocereo balsasensis-Cercidietum praecocis and Diplopterydo leiocarpae-Acacietum macracanthae). For the Opuntietea sphaericae class, the association Haageocereo versicoloris-Armatocereetum proceri (Espostoo-Neoraimondion) is described on the basis of plots from hyperarid localities of central Peru. Finally, a typological classification of the studied plant communities is given.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)689-703
Number of pages15
JournalAnais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2016


  • Acacio-Prosopidetea
  • Cactus communities
  • Dry forests
  • Opuntietea sphaericae
  • Peru
  • Phytosociology


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