Antibodies against Leptospira in capybaras (Hydrochoerus hidrochaeris) in a breeding zoo of the Peruvian Amazon

Karina D. Muñoz, Carlos Cornejo, Hermelinda G. Rivera

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


© 2000 Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. All rights reserved. The capybara (Hydrochoerus hidrochaeris) is the world's largest rodent and a potential protein source for humans. Scientitic infonnation is available regarding capybara biology and physiology. but little is known of its health status. Microaglutination test~ detected antibodies against 14 serovars ofLeptospira in serum samples from young and adult capybara males (n=25) and females (n= 17) ata breeding facility in lquitos. Peru. Antiboodies against 8 ditrerent serovars of Leptospira, with titers between 1: 100 to 1 :400, were found in 71 % (30/42) ofthe samples. Among the reactor animals, 26.6% had the Hardju, Grippothyphosa and Canicolu serovars, 20% had Pirogenes and Woljii. 10% had Pomona, 6.6% had lc:terohemorrhagiae and 3.3% had Bataviae. No reactors were detected against the A utumnalis, Taras.wvi, Borincana, Jarnnica, Bu/111111 and Brut islmu serovars. The presence of severa! Leptospira spp serovars in this capybara sample represents a potential human health risk.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)167-169
Number of pages3
JournalRevista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Peru
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2000


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