Composición y características de la orina en cuyes (Cavia porcellus) con linfadenitis cervical

Translated title of the contribution: Composition and characteristics of urine in Guinea pigs with cervical lymphadenitis

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


The aim of this study was determine the mainly parameters from urine analysis providence of confirmed cases of Guinea pigs with cervical lymphadenitis. The study was realized in Cajamarca department and urine samples from 25 Guinea pigs with cervical lymphadenitis were collected, which were processed through manual method to evaluate physical, chemical parameters and urine sediment. The results of caseous lymphadenitis didn't present differences in comparison to the control animals (p>0.05), being the most commonly found findings the increased density (> 1.040), proteinuria (traces to 3+) and variable presence of crystals. It is conclude that, despite macroscopic lesions reported for this disease, including urinary tract and blood lesions, the absence of changes in the urine parameters of the affected animals suggests the chronicity of the development of the disease in Guinea pigs and the modulation to the development of pathologies that are reflected in changes in the analysis and perhaps in other laboratory tests that could be evaluated during the disease.

Translated title of the contributionComposition and characteristics of urine in Guinea pigs with cervical lymphadenitis
Original languageSpanish
JournalRevista Electronica de Veterinaria
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 2017
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Para la ejecución del presente estudio se siguieron todas las directrices institucionales, nacionales e internacionales aplicables. Todos los animales fueron tratados humanamente durante la colección de muestras en conformidad con las normas del Comité de Cuidado Animal y Ética Médica de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), Lima, Perú (sin número de protocolo asignado), el cual se adhiere al Public Health Service (PHS), policies of the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, Office of Extramural Research, National Institutes of Health (OLAH-OER-NIH), USA (PHS A5934-01). El presente estudio fue realizado en el departamento de Cajamarca, donde se trabajaron con 10 animales control (clínicamente sanos) y 25 cuyes (13 machos y 12 hembras) de 2.5 meses a 3 meses de edad con linfadenopatía submandibular y diagnosticados con linfadenitis cervical por la signología clínica y aislamiento del agente causal Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus. Los animales estuvieron mantenidos bajo crianza semi-intensiva basada su alimentación en alimento balanceado y alfalfa, y permanecieron en un ambiente separado para realizar la toma de orina por cistocentesis.


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