Contribution of analytical techniques to determine the technologies used in the ceramic materials from the Former Workers Hospital of Maudes, Madrid (Spain)

Elena Mercedes Perez-Monserrat, Rafael Fort, Paula Lopez-Arce, Monica Alvarez de Buergo, Maria Jose Varas-Muriel

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Scopus citations


This study is focuses on the characterisation of the pastes and enamels constituents of the decorative ceramics, cladding ceramics and mosaic tiles, covering the façades and the central garden fountain of the Former Workers Hospital of Maudes at Madrid, Spain. The structural bricks of the inner fabric walls and those used at the courtyards are also studied. Both the original and restoration materials are analysed petrographically and mineralogically and the elemental composition of the enamel is determined. The major textural and compositional variations identified in the materials are mainly due to differences in the clay raw materials and additives used, as well as to the manufacturing processes, specially firing temperatures. In addition to comparing the results of the analyses conducted to the information obtained from the references consulted, the study provides unknown data on the raw materials and technologies involved in manufacturing the ceramic materials found in a heritage building.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)479-491
Number of pages13
JournalJournal of the European Ceramic Society
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2013

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The courtesy and support provided by José María la Calle, Deputy General Director of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Community of Madrid, and José María Cabrera, managing director of CPA, S.A., Heritage Restoration Company, in allowing access to and sampling on the building, are gratefully acknowledged. The authors wish to thank technicians Marián Barajas, Iván Serrano, Eugenio Baldonedo and Alfonso Rodríguez for their assistance. Their gratitude extends to Antonio Perla, Abraham Rubio-Celada, Fernando Agua, Manuel García-Heras and Jesús María Rincón for their valuable knowledge and insightful clarifications. Special thanks are also given to the referees, as their recommendations have improved the paper. This research was funded by the Complutense University of Madrid's research group on the Alteration and conservation of heritage stone (921349), the Geomaterials Programme (S2009/MAT_1629) and CONSOLIDER-TCP (CSD2007-0058).


  • Electron microscopy
  • Enamels
  • Firing
  • Glaze
  • Traditional ceramics


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