Crecimiento post destete y obtención depeso apropiado para el empadre en alpacas y llamas

Translated title of the contribution: Post-weaning growth and weight gain appropriate for the breeding of alpacas and llamas

Wilber Calixto Rolando Garcia Vera, C. Danilo Pezo, Ll Enrique Franco, H. Felipe San Martín, M. César Novoa

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Research on post-weaning weight gain in domestic camelias reared under two diferent nutritional regimes was conducted at the IVITA camelid research station in Marangani,(Cusco,Pera),withtheobjectiveofdeterminingtheeffectofnutritiononlive weightoffemalealpacasandllamasatoneyearofage.Inthefirstregime,T,,twogroups of30alpacasand30llamaswereeachkeptin2hectaresofcultivatedpastureona7day graze/40dayfallowrotationpattera. Inthesecond,T2,twogroupsof30alpacasand30 llamas were each grazed on the same 15 hectares of native pasture throughout the experiment.Attheendoftheyear,only27%(8/30)ofthealpacasand47%(14/30)ofthe llamasgrazedonnativepasturehadreachedweightsof30kgand50kgrespectively,the mínimumrequiredforbreeding,while87%(26/30)ofthealpacasand93%(28/30)ofthe llamas reared on cultivated pasture achieved the required minimum. These figures demónstrate thatthe use ofcultivatedpasturein the dietofpost-weaning alpacas and llamassignificantlyincreasesthenumberoffemaleswhichcanreproduceatoneyearof ageand,thus,canplayanimportantroleinimprovingherdproductivity.

Translated title of the contributionPost-weaning growth and weight gain appropriate for the breeding of alpacas and llamas
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)39-42
Number of pages4
JournalRevista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Peru
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1999

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2018 Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. All rights reserved.


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