Existence and non-existence of global solutions for a heat equation with degenerate coefficients

Ricardo Castillo, Omar Guzmán-Rea, María Zegarra

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In this paper, the parabolic problem ut- div(ω(x) ∇ u) = h(t) f(u) + l(t) g(u) with non-negative initial conditions pertaining to Cb(RN) , will be studied, where the weight ω is an appropriate function that belongs to the Muckenhoupt class A1+2N and the functions f, g, h and l are non-negative and continuous. The main goal is to establish the global and non-global existence of non-negative solutions. In addition, will be obtained both the so-called Fujita’s exponent and the second critical exponent in the sense of Lee and Ni (Trans Am Math Soc 333(1):365–378, 1992), in the particular case when h(t)∼tr(r>-1), l(t)∼ts(s>-1), f(u) = up and g(u) = (1 + u) [ln (1 + u)] p. The results of this paper extend those obtained by Fujishima et al. (Calc Var Partial Differ Equ 58:62, 2019) that worked when h(t) = 1 , l(t) = 0 and f(u) = up.

Original languageEnglish
Article number69
JournalPartial Differential Equations and Applications
Issue number6
StatePublished - Dec 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


  • Degenerate coefficients
  • Fujita exponent
  • Global solution
  • Heat equation
  • Non-global solution


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