Flipped learning model to achieve learning goals in the Research Methodology course in undergraduate students

Juan Pedro Matzumura-Kasano, Hugo Gutiérrez-Crespo, Luisa Angélica Zamudio-Eslava, Juan Carlos Zavala-Gonzales

Research output: Contribution to journalScientific reviewpeer-review

20 Scopus citations


© 2018 Film and History. All rights reserved. Introduction: Teachers are currently trying to change the traditional model to one based on learning needs of the students. The flipped (inverted) learning model seeks to promote learning through a work jointly led by teachers and students. Objective: To analyze the implementation of the flipped learning model in the achievement of goals in the Research Methodology course. Methodology: a prospective, longitudinal, quasi-experimental research design. Place: Health Sciences Faculty, at a private University. Participants: 81 undergraduate students. Interventions: A convenience non-probability sample was selected; then, the flipped learning model was implemented. The first analysis was performed in the third week of classes, and the second one in the fifteenth week, using a valid instrument with a total reliability index of 0.79. The Edoome educational platform was also used; it has characteristics of an open source learning management system. Results: 93.8% stated that the teacher and the students develop the class, 29.6% previously study the contents, and 39.5% make a summary of the class, meaning that the collaborative work predominates. 74.0% stated that the flipped learning facilitated their learning and obtained better grades in the final exam. Conclusion: The flipped classroom model proved to be effective to achieve learning goals in the Research Methodology course, and its implementation is becoming a need for the university education system.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalRevista Electronica Educare
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2018


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