Flora y vegetación de suelos crioturbados y hábitats asociados en la Cordillera Blanca, Ancash, Perú

Asunción Cano, Wilfredo Mendoza, Susy Castillo, Marybel Morales, María I. La Torre, Hector Aponte, Amalia Delgado, Niels Valencia, Nanette Vega

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

16 Scopus citations


Botanical collections and intersection-line transects were made. The space (in cm) occupied by each species were measurement. A total of 136 species, in 65 genera and 26 families, were recorded. Magnoliopsida (Dicots) were the most diverse (97 spp.), followed by the Liliopsida (Monocots) (36 spp.). The highest species richness was found in the Asteraceae and Poaceae families (40,63%). The most diverse genera was Senecio (18) and Calamagrostis (12). We registered 76 species (54,82%) in cryoturbed soils and associates habitats, while 60 species (44,11%) were recorded for the adjacent vegetation. From the total, 95,56% of the species were perennials herbs. Four types of plants comunities were characterized: a) community of cryoturbed soil proper, b) community of cryoturbed soil associated with grassland, c) community of cryoturbed soil associated with dry rocky areas, and d) community of cryoturbed soil associated with humid rocky areas. Species associated to each community are given.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)95-103
Number of pages9
JournalRevista Peruana de Biologia
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Apr 2010


  • Ancash
  • Cordillera Blanca
  • Cryoturbed soil
  • Flora
  • Peru


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