High proportion of cactus species threatened with extinction

Bárbara Goettsch, Craig Hilton-Taylor, Gabriela Cruz-Piñón, James P. Duffy, Anne Frances, Héctor M. Hernández, Richard Inger, Caroline Pollock, Jan Schipper, Mariella Superina, Nigel P. Taylor, Marcelo Tognelli, Agustín M. Abba, Salvador Arias, Hilda J. Arreola-Nava, Marc A. Baker, Rolando T. Bárcenas, Duniel Barrios, Pierre Braun, Charles A. ButterworthAlberto Búrquez, Fátima Caceres, Miguel Chazaro-Basañez, Rafael Corral-Díaz, Mario Del Valle Perea, Pablo H. Demaio, Williams A. Duarte De Barros, Rafael Durán, Luis Faúndez Yancas, Richard S. Felger, Betty Fitz-Maurice, Walter A. Fitz-Maurice, George Gann, Carlos Gómez-Hinostrosa, Luis R. Gonzales-Torres, M. Patrick Griffith, Pablo C. Guerrero, Barry Hammel, Kenneth D. Heil, José Guadalupe Hernández-Oria, Michael Hoffmann, Mario Ishiki Ishihara, Roberto Kiesling, João Larocca, José Luis León-De La Luz, Christian R. Loaiza S., Martin Lowry, Marlon C. MacHado, Lucas C. Majure, José Guadalupe Martínez Ávalos, Carlos Martorell, Joyce Maschinski, Eduardo Méndez, Russell A. Mittermeier, Jafet M. Nassar, Vivian Negrón-Ortiz, Luis J. Oakley, Pablo Ortega-Baes, Ana Beatriz Pin Ferreira, Donald J. Pinkava, J. Mark Porter, Raul Puente-Martinez, José Roque Gamarra, Patricio Saldivia Pérez, Emiliano Sánchez Martínez, Martin Smith, J. Manuel Sotomayor M Del C, Simon N. Stuart, José Luis Tapia Muñoz, Teresa Terrazas, Martin Terry, Marcelo Trevisson, Teresa Valverde, Thomas R. Van Devender, Mario Esteban Véliz-Pérez, Helmut E. Walter, Sarah A. Wyatt, Daniela Zappi, J. Alejandro Zavala-Hurtado, Kevin J. Gaston

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

256 Scopus citations


A high proportion of plant species is predicted to be threatened with extinction in the near future. However, the threat status of only a small number has been evaluated compared with key animal groups, rendering the magnitude and nature of the risks plants face unclear. Here we report the results of a global species assessment for the largest plant taxon evaluated to date under the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List Categories and Criteria, the iconic Cactaceae (cacti). We show that cacti are among the most threatened taxonomic groups assessed to date, with 31% of the 1,478 evaluated species threatened, demonstrating the high anthropogenic pressures on biodiversity in arid lands. The distribution of threatened species and the predominant threatening processes and drivers are different to those described for other taxa. The most significant threat processes comprise land conversion to agriculture and aquaculture, collection as biological resources, and residential and commercial development. The dominant drivers of extinction risk are the unscrupulous collection of live plants and seeds for horticultural trade and private ornamental collections, smallholder livestock ranching and smallholder annual agriculture. Our findings demonstrate that global species assessments are readily achievable for major groups of plants with relatively moderate resources, and highlight different conservation priorities and actions to those derived from species assessments of key animal groups.

Original languageEnglish
Article number15142
JournalNature Plants
StatePublished - 5 Oct 2015

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