Miconia canoi (Melastomataceae, Miconieae), a new species from southern Ecuador and northern Peru.

Fabián A. Michelangeli, Diego Paredes-Burneo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Miconia canoi, a new species of Melastomataceae from northern Peru and southern Ecuador is described. Miconia canoi is similar to other scrambling or small shrubs of Miconia found in the páramos and jalcas, but can be easily identified by the combination of glabrous, ovate leaf blades without obvious secondary venation in the adaxial surface, four-merous flowers with persistent bracteoles, glandular pubescent filaments and style, and a capitate to galeate stigma. Based on anther morphology and its mode of dehiscence, M. canoi would be assigned to M. sect. Chaenopleura in the traditional sectional system for this genus. The new species is illustrated and compared to putative relatives.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)55-63
Number of pages9
Issue number1
StatePublished - 15 Mar 2019


  • Anther dehiscence
  • Miconia section Chaenopleura
  • Miconia section Cremanium
  • Páramo
  • Taxonomy


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