Morphoanatomical study and genomic DNA extraction for molecular characterization of Sinningia warmingii (Hiern) Chautems "papa madre"

Eva Ramos-Llica, Mónica G. Retuerto-Figueroa, Arilmí Gorriti-Gutierrez, César Fuertes-Ruitón, Teresa Gallardo-Jugo, Celia Vargas De La Cruz, Elizabeth C. Ortega-Romero, Md Shariful Islam

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Introduction: Sinningia warmingii (Hiern) Chautems (Gesneriaceae) is used in north eastern from Peru to relieve postpartum diseases and vaginal descents. The objective of the present study: to carry out morpho-anatomic analysis and extraction of the genomic DNA of the Sinningia warmingii "mother potato" species to identify the species. The sample was collected in Utcubamba-Amazonas. The morpho-anatomic study applied histological cutting techniques and genetic characterization with rbc-L, matK, ITS and trnH-psbA markers. Method: Morphologically, it is a herbaceous species, with opposite leaves, shortly petiolated, the apical: sessile, oval, symmetrical, regularly closed edges, obtuse base, and acute apex. Flowers with greenish bell-shaped calyx, lobes with acute apex; tubular corolla, pink-fuchsia and yellow inside. Pubescent capsule fruit. Anatomically, abundant filiform and glandular multicellular trichomes, anomocitic stomata and vacuoles of phenolic substances (anthocyanins and tannins) were observed in the stem and leaves. open vascular bundle the stem has woody vessels (helicollen tracheids) and open lateral vascular bundles. In the root ("papa madre"), ovoid amyloplasts and brachisclereids were recognized. Results:For the genetic characterization, genomic DNA was obtained, which was used to amplify by PCR: segments of the genes used for the bar code have been amplified with chloroplastidial markers (rbc-L, matk and ITS2) whose amplifications were positive. Sequencing has been performed with other species of the Sinningia genus that have confirmed the molecular characteristics of the genus. Conclusión: the morpho-anatomic characteristics of the studied species correspond to the Sinningia warmingii species, which with this biomolecular study confirmed its correspondence to the Sinningia genus.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)801-809
Number of pages9
JournalAnnals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Issue number6
StatePublished - Mar 2020

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020 Royal Society of Chemistry. All rights reserved.


  • Genomic DNA
  • Histology
  • Molecular characteristics
  • Morphology
  • Sinningia warmingii


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