New national and regional bryophyte records, 62

L. T. Ellis, O. M. Afonina, J. J. Atwood, H. Bednarek-Ochyra, M. Burghardt, S. Dragićević, S. Vuksanović, B. Espinoza-Prieto, J. Opisso, M. Goga, M. Bačkor, A. Graulach, V. Hugonnot, N. E. Koroleva, V. K. Chandini, C. N. Manju, B. Mufeed, R. Natcheva, N. Norhazrina, N. SyazwanaD. F. Peralta, V. Plášek, S. Yu Popov, R. D. Porley, A. Rimac, A. Alegro, N. Vuković, N. Koletić, V. Šegota, M. S. Sabovljević, A. Schäfer-Verwimp, C. Sérgio, S. Ştefănut, M. A. Taha, U. Y. Abou-Salama, G. J. Wolski

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

14 Scopus citations
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)195-208
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of Bryology
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2 Apr 2020

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
L. T. Ellis acknowledges the support of the Natural History Museum, London. The contributions by H. Bednarek-Ochyra were financially supported through the statutory fund of the W. Szafer Institute of Botany of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She also thanks the Curator of Bryophyta at PC for kindly allowing her to study the herbarium material. The contribution by V. Pl??ek was part of research projects of EU structural funding Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation, project No. CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0388 and by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic in the ?National Feasibility Program I?, project LO1208 ?TEWEP?. M. Burghardt acknowledges that Leptopterigynandrum austroalpinum was collected under investigation permit 007-07-IC-FLO-DNBAPVS/MA of the Ecuadorian Ministry of Environment. R. Porley is grateful to Dr M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga for confirming Fissidens rufulus. The research by S. Yu. Popov and N. E. Koroleva was supported by RFBR, project number 18-04-01010. Their field work was organised by IPEE RAS and K. A. Ermokhina. The field work of C. S?rgio on Fogo Island was organised within the programme of European Meeting of Phytosociology Biogeography and Syntaxonomy of the Atlantic Regions (2017) and University of Cape Verde. Thanks to Herculano Dinis of the ?Direc??o Nacional do Ambiente de Cabo Verde? for the field facilities and financial assistance of CE3C-Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes, Portugal. J. J. Atwood acknowledges partial support from the U.S. National Science Foundation (Grant DEB 1655479). N. Norhazrina and N. Syazwana would like to thank Dr M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga for confirming their collections as Fissidens dubius. Their research project was supported by Geran Universiti Penyelidikan (GUP-2018-016). B. Espinoza-Prieto and J. Opisso acknowledge Juan Carlos Villarreal for his kind help in the determination of their collections, Diego Paredes-Burneo for revising their short note, and Servicio Nacional Forestal (SERFOR, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Peru) for collection permits N?025-2017-SERFOR-DGGSPFFS. The contribution by O. M. Afonina was supported by Russian Science Foundation (grant # 18-05-60093). S. ?tef?nu? acknowledges the support of project no. RO1567-IBB03/2019 through Institute of Biology Bucharest of Romanian Academy. M. Taha and U. Abou-Salama thank Professor David Holyoak for confirming their identification of Bryum radiculosum.

Funding Information:
L. T. Ellis acknowledges the support of the Natural History Museum, London. The contributions by H. Bednarek-Ochyra were financially supported through the statutory fund of the W. Szafer Institute of Botany of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She also thanks the Curator of Bryophyta at PC for kindly allowing her to study the herbarium material. The contribution by V. Plášek was part of research projects of EU structural funding Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation, project No. CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0388 and by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic in the ‘National Feasibility Program I’, project LO1208 ‘TEWEP’. M. Burghardt acknowledges that Leptopterigynandrum austroalpinum was collected under investigation permit 007-07-IC-FLO-DNBAPVS/MA of the Ecuadorian Ministry of Environment. R. Porley is grateful to Dr M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga for confirming Fissidens rufulus. The research by S. Yu. Popov and N. E. Koroleva was supported by RFBR, project number 18-04-01010. Their field work was organised by IPEE RAS and K. A. Ermokhina. The field work of C. Sérgio on Fogo Island was organised within the programme of European Meeting of Phytosociology Biogeography and Syntaxonomy of the Atlantic Regions (2017) and University of Cape Verde. Thanks to Herculano Dinis of the ‘Direcção Nacional do Ambiente de Cabo Verde’ for the field facilities and financial assistance of CE3C-Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes, Portugal. J. J. Atwood acknowledges partial support from the U.S. National Science Foundation (Grant DEB 1655479). N. Norhazrina and N. Syazwana would like to thank Dr M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga for confirming their collections as Fissidens dubius. Their research project was supported by Geran Universiti Penyelidikan (GUP-2018-016). B. Espinoza-Prieto and J. Opisso acknowledge Juan Carlos Villarreal for his kind help in the determination of their collections, Diego Paredes-Burneo for revising their short note, and Servicio Nacional Forestal (SERFOR, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Peru) for collection permits N°025-2017-SERFOR-DGGSPFFS. The contribution by O. M. Afonina was supported by Russian Science Foundation (grant # 18-05-60093). S. Ştefănuţ acknowledges the support of project no. RO1567-IBB03/2019 through Institute of Biology Bucharest of Romanian Academy. M. Taha and U. Abou-Salama thank Professor David Holyoak for confirming their identification of Bryum radiculosum.

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