Parásitos helmintos en Boa constrictor, Epicrates cenchria y Corallus caninus (Ophidia: Boidae) criadas en cautiverio

P. Nofre Sánchez, V. Manuel Tantaleán, G. Ryan Richards, C. Hugo Gálvez

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


© 2004 Sociedad de Obstetricia y Ginecologia de Venezuela. All rights reserved. Fecal samples for the identification of helminthes were collected from three species of snakes (Boa contrictor “boa” or “mantona”, Epicrates cenchria “mantona roja” or “arco iris”, Corallus caninus “boa verde” or “boa esmeralda”) reared in captivity. The identified parasites, either through eggs or larva were: Kalicephalus sp., Ophiotaenia sp., Rhabdias sp., Ophidascaris sp., and Hymenolepis diminuta. The results indicated that 79% of adult female Boa constrictor and 46% of their offspring, 71% of E. cenchria and 70% of C. caninus were positive, either to single or multiple infections. These data showed that boas reared in captivity were highly parasitized with intestinal and pulmonary helminthes.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)166-169
Number of pages4
JournalRevista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Peru
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2004


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