Perception of clinical training and future objectives of residents of oral implantology (POCTOIR-30 questionnaire): A pilot study of statistical validation

Frank Mayta-Tovalino, G. Mendoza-Azpur, Yens Mendoza-Martiarena, María Álvarez-Paucar, Luis Gálvez-Calla, Luz Carbajal

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Aim: The aim of the present study was to develop and validate the psychometric properties of the questionnaire (POCTOIR-30) for the evaluation of the perception of clinical training and future goals of residents of oral implantology. Materials and methods: The development of the questionnaire followed the process of five phases: (a) preparation of the instrument, (b) validation of the content, (c) validity of the construct, (d) evaluation of internal consistency and reliability, (e) evaluation of the level of knowledge, for which an instrument on implant training of residency programs was used as a reference. To evaluate the sensitivity and validity of the questionnaire, a pilot sample of 20 residents between 20 years and 50 years of a residency program in oral implantology was used. Results: The factor analysis of the data and the adjustment statistics process resulted in the quality care of 4 factors and 30 questions that were included in the present questionnaire (POCTOIR), which covers: logistics and infrastructure (five items), training in oral implantology (10 items); information on the postgraduate program (seven items) and accessibility and sustainability of care (ten items) and future goals after postgraduate studies (five items). Content validity was measured using the index that combines the ease of calculation and the evaluation of results at the statistical level (κ0.833). The reliability of the instrument was evaluated to measure the degree of internal correlation (Cronbach’s α 0.738). Finally, the reliability was evaluated to measure the constancy of the responses repeatedly with the same subjects (intraclass correlation 0.74). Conclusion: This study showed that the POCTOIR-30 instrument has adequate levels of validity and reliability to be used in residents of areas related to oral implantology in new research. Clinical significance: The impact of the academic training of the residents in oral implantology significantly influences their performance at the time of performing the surgical and prosthetic protocols. Therefore, this research validates statistically the perception of academic training and future goals of postgraduate residents in order to quantify and apply improvement strategies during their years of study.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)253-258
Number of pages6
JournalWorld Journal of Dentistry
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1 Jul 2019

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s). 2019.


  • Aptitude tests
  • Oral implantology
  • Questionnaire
  • Resident program
  • Validation


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