Potential application of commercial enzyme preparations for industrial production of short-chain fructooligosaccharides

R. J. Vega-Paulino, M. E. Zúniga-Hansen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

71 Scopus citations


Twenty-five commercial enzyme preparations for use in the food industry were assayed for transfructosylation activity. Three preparations showed high transfructosylation activity from sucrose as well as the ratio of transferase and hydrolase activities. Short-chain fructooligosaccharides (sc-FOS) were not hydrolyzed by the three enzyme preparations after a 12 h reaction time. At a 6 h reaction time, yield and volumetric productivity were in the range from 58.8 to 62.6% (g sc-FOS/100 g initial sucrose) and 52.5 to 55.9 g sc-FOS/L h, respectively. One enzyme preparation was then evaluated for sc-FOS synthesis. Thus, environmental factors influencing the reaction were studied on products. Total sc-FOS concentration was not affected by temperature, pH and enzyme concentration at the studied levels, but high concentrations of sucrose affected the sc-FOS formation. The results suggest that these enzyme preparations can be exploited as a source of food-grade fructosyltransferase, in addition to Pectinex Ultra SP-L.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)44-51
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Molecular Catalysis - B Enzymatic
StatePublished - Apr 2012

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This research was financially supported by the Project FONDEF DO7I1045 of Chile and the CREAS . Also, we acknowledge financial support (scholarship) of CONICYT and PUCV for the PhD student, R. Vega. We are very grateful by the generous donations of Biocatalysts Ltd. (Wales, UK), Amano Enzyme USA Co., Ltd., DSM Food Specialties Unltd (Santiago, Chile), Dimerco Comercial Ltda (Santiago, Chile) and Blumos SA (Santiago, Chile).


  • Fructooligosaccharide
  • Fructosyltransferase
  • Transfructosylation activity


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