Range extension of thomasomys princeps (Thomas, 1895) (rodentia, sigmodontinae) and first record in venezuela

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Thomasomys princeps (Thomas, 1895) is a large, sigmodontine rat and a member of the “aureus” group of the highly diverse genus Thomasomys. This species is only known from the Cordillera Oriental, Colombia; however, based on a recent examination of specimens of Thomasomys from Venezuela, I report the first record of T. princeps from Venezu-ela, in the Páramo del Tamá near the Colombian border. This record extends the distributional range of the species by 360 km northeast, representing the northernmost record of the species and of the “aureus” group.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)385-393
Number of pages9
JournalCheck List
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2021

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
I want to thank Jorge Carrera for preparing the map and Mercedes Molina for helping with the images. Also, I thank Dennisse Ruelas and Silvia Diaz for helping with the table and commenting on the manuscript. Catherine Sahley also provided valuable comments on the manuscript and improved the English. Besides, Darrin Lunde provided me access to specimens of Thomaso-mys deposited at the National Museum of Natural History (USNM). This work was partially supported by the Grupo de Estudio Diversidad de mamíferos y sus parási-tos (DIMAPA) del Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Posgrado UNMSM.

Funding Information:
I want to thank Jorge Carrera for preparing the map and Mercedes Molina for helping with the images. Also, I thank Dennisse Ruelas and Silvia Diaz for helping with the table and commenting on the manuscript. Cath-erine Sahley also provided valuable comments on the manuscript and improved the English. Besides, Darrin Lunde provided me access to specimens of Thomasomys deposited at the National Museum of Natural History (USNM). This work was partially supported by the Grupo de Estudio Diversidad de mam?feros y sus par?sitos (DIMAPA) del Vicerrectorado de Investigaci?n y Posgrado UNMSM.

Publisher Copyright:
© The authors.


  • Colombia
  • Cordillera Oriental
  • Ecuador
  • Principal Oldfield MouseTáchira
  • Páramo del Tamá
  • “Thomasomys aureus group”


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