Redescription of Eremoryzomys polius (Rodentia: Cricetidae) and description of a new species of the genus Eremoryzomys

Angie C.J. Uturunco, Víctor R. Pacheco

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


Eremoryzomys polius (Osgood 1913) is an oryzomyine rodent endemic to the upper basin of the Marañón River in Peru, known from only 15 specimens at 7 localities and with no new records in at least 22 years. Here we report an expansion of the geographic distribution of E. polius by confirming its presence at four new locations near the Marañón River. In addition, we describe a new species of Eremoryzomys based on comparison of its morphological and morphometric characteristics with E. polius. The new species of Eremoryzomys differs from E. polius in the following traits: slightly bicolored and short tail; dark hind leg pads; thenar and hypothenar pads nearly contiguous; small skull with a short and gracile rostrum; well-developed nuchal ridge; short incisive foramen reaching the anterocone of M1; shorter molar series and triangular coronoid process. This new species is endemic to premontane Amazon forest of the middle basin of the Marañon River, adding support for the importance of this region as a center of endemism and as a focus for habitat conservation. Finally, we suggest that E. polius, as currently understood, remains a species complex.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)483-503
Number of pages21
JournalMastozoologia Neotropical
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2016


  • Biogeography
  • Endemism
  • Marañón River
  • Oryzomyini
  • Taxonomy


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