Returning to build: Funerary practices and ideology (IES) during the Inka occupation of Cutimbo, Puno-Peru

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12 Scopus citations


This paper describes archaeological research carried out in Cutimbo (Puno-Peru), a prehispanic settlement occupied during the Altiplano Period (1,100-1,470 A.D.) and re-occuppied during the Inka epoch (1,470-1,532 A.D.). Our excavations focus on the monumental funerary towers (chullpas) and related areas which offered evidence consistent with the existence of economic, political and ideological asymmetries between Inkas and lupakas. This social asymmetry not only existed between dominant society (Inka) and dominated society (Lupaka) but also within Lupaka society, a historical process trascending the Inka occupation of the area.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)129-143
Number of pages15
StatePublished - 1 Jun 2006


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