Sampling and processing blood samples within the South American Youth/Child cARdiovascular and Environmental (SAYCARE) Study

Graciela López, Raphael Assali Serruya, Magalí Barchuk, Diego Gaitan-Charry, Francisco Leonardo Torres-Leal, Luis Alberto Moreno, Carlos Alberto Delgado, Heráclito Barbosa Carvalho, Augusto César Ferreira De Moraes, Gabriela Berg

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4 Scopus citations


© 2020, The Author(s). Obesity and overweight in children and adolescents is increasing rapidly worldwide; however, scarce data have been reported from South America countries. With the purpose of assessing hyperlipidemia, insulin resistance and chronic inflammation, the evaluation of blood biomarkers such as glucose, lipoproteins and chronic inflammation proteins is required. In the context of the SAYCARE study, in children and adolescents (3 to 18 years) from seven South American cities, our aim was to assess the impact of pre analytical conditions on different biomarkers evaluated in 474 fresh serum samples, in different country centers. We also evaluated the stability according to time and frozen storage within this study across the concordance of the results obtained from the 49 blood samples measured in three different centers. Significant correlations as well as concordance were observed in TG, Total-C, HDL-C and glucose between Buenos Aires and São Paulo. The samples evaluated in Teresina and São Paulo presented similar results, with exception of total cholesterol. We observed acceptable concordance between Buenos Aires vs São Paulo and Teresina vs São Paulo, suggesting that samples could be processed in each of these centers. This concordance is a consequence of the strict pre analytical conditions previously established in the SAYCARE study.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalScientific Reports
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2020


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