“Sojuzgar las capitales para que pueda cesar la alteración y el incendio”. La guerra de propaganda en la prensa de Lima y Buenos Aires en tiempos de la Independencia (1810-1816)

Translated title of the contribution: “Subdue the capitals so the alteration and the fire can cease”. The propaganda war in the press of Lima and Buenos Aires at the Independence time (1810-1816)

Daniel Morán, Carlos Carcelén

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Currently the argument that a war juncture serves to appreciate the interests and motivations of the social groups involved in it, is key to the study processes of the independence in Latin America. In that sense, this research analyzes the war of propaganda war unleashed in the press of Lima and Buenos Aires, in the context of the wars of independence since the revolution of May 1810, the war of perception in the Alto Peru and the independence of the United Provinces of l Rio de la Plata in 1816. The propaganda war denoted in these spaces a political speech in struggle, conflicting interests and the importance of reflecting about the military war and about the war of words in a period where political legitimacy was in crisis.

Translated title of the contribution“Subdue the capitals so the alteration and the fire can cease”. The propaganda war in the press of Lima and Buenos Aires at the Independence time (1810-1816)
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)40-78
Number of pages39
JournalFronteras de la Historia
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2019

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2019 Instituto Colombiano de Antropologia e Historia. All rights reserved.


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