Taxonomic and geographic revision of Bryconamericus peruanus (Teleostei, Characidae)

César Román-Valencia, María Dolly García, Hernán Ortega

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5 Scopus citations


axonomic and geographic status of Bryconamericus peruanus were analyzed and compared with species belonging to the genus Bryconamericus that occurs in the Pacific basin from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Distribution range of B. peruanus is restricted to Peruvian drainages and the populations from the Pacific basin and those located at the Amazons in Ecuador are regarded new species. The presence of hooks on all the fins, except on the caudal fin, was the most reliable character to separate populations of B. peruanus and Bryconamericus sp.l from B. brevirostris, B. dahli, B. guaytarae, B. miraensis, Bryconamericus sp. 2 and Bryconamericus sp. 3. According to the form upper jaw, dorsal fin-hypurals distance and caudal peduncle length from the principal component analysis, 2 groups are distinguished: I) B. peruanus, B. brevirostris, B.guaytarae, B. miraensis y Bryconamericus sp. 3, and II) B. dahli, Bryconamericus sp. 1 and Bryconamericus sp. 2.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)844-853
Number of pages10
JournalRevista Mexicana de Biodiversidad
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2011


  • B. peruanus
  • Distribution
  • Populations
  • Taxonomy
  • Tropical fish


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