Use of biological silage of fish residue in the feeding of rabbits

Graciela A. Yamada, Felipe H. San Martín, Víctor R. Bazán, Teresa F. Arbaiza

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1 Scopus citations


© 2000 Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. All rights reserved. The effect offeeding a biological silage composed offish residue (SF) on growth and finishing ofrabbits is examined. Ten experimental units, each comprised of5 mate and 5 female weaned 30 day old California breed rabbits were established. Four diets were compared; treatment with 0% SF (OSF), 30% SF (30SF), 50% SF ( 50SF) and 70% FS (70SF), and data on production parameters recorded. Daily weight gain (g), feed consumption (kg), food convertion index and feeding cost (S/.), were: 18.51, 5.18, 5.01and2.75 for OSF; 19.68, 5.54, 5.09 and2.91for30SF;17.64, 5.29, 5.63 and3.40for50SF; and 12.03, 5.27, 9.70 and 5.59 for 70SF, respectively. The only statistically significant variation (p<0.05) was found in the reduced yields produced by the 70SF treatment. The Jeast expensive feeding alternative was a diet of 70% bran and 30% alfalfa, although the use of upto 30% SF produces improvements in daily ofweight gain.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)120-125
Number of pages6
JournalRevista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Peru
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2000


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