
The case of a 9-year-old Schnauzer male canine with a history of lack of appetite, lethargy and exercise intolerance is reported. Echocardiography was performed identifying pericardial effusion and a neoplastic mass in the pericardium. The patient presented cardiac tamponade, which was treated with pericardiocentesis.

mass. The histopathological diagnosis was pleomorphic pericardial rhabdomyosarcoma. The patient had a survival time of 10 weeks. For the present case, the surgical management provided sustained clinical improvement and contributed to the diagnostic process.

Idioma originalInglés
Número de artículoe17828
PublicaciónRevista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Peru
EstadoPublicada - 22 jun. 2020

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© 2020 Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. All rights reserved.


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